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Folifree Treatment

Benefits / key points

Reduces hair up to 85 %

Permanent results

Natural and revolutionary system.

Non-laser hair removal system

Non Laser Hair Removal Treatment. It consists of two serums (Foliprime and Folifree)

This professional product is designed to be used in a spa setting following waxing, sugaring, threading, or tweezing. It consists of two serums (Foliprime and Folifree) that work on the empty anagen follicle, offering a modality that is completely different from laser, IPL, or electrolysis. With Folifree, hair color is not a factor as it is effective on all Fitzpatrick phototypes and even over tattoos. There is not chance of pigmentation or damage.

Folifree is formulated using natural herbs, without the use of chemicals, that work synergistically to create a mechanism that targets the new hair cell at the base of the empty anagen follicle, preventing the duplication of cells. By inhibiting energy to the mitochondria, treated folicles become inactive within 6 hours.

1. Foliprime

Retail Foliprime 200 ml
Folicle Activator

2. Folifree

Retail Folifree 200 ml
Hair Stop Serum